Monday, January 19, 2015

Snowman Workshop!

It was a fun Friday in our class last week!  We were lucky to partner up with Mrs. Baker's class and spend an afternoon snowman crafting!  Thank you to all the parents who helped out and to Betsy Nygren for orchestrating the amazing afternoon.  Unfortunately, I was unable to be there as my son had a doctor's appointment.  I was so happy to see some great pictures of the excitement!

Oh Baby!

I just knew I had the cutest class!! Thank you so much for sharing your childs' baby pictures and memories! It was so much fun learning about them as babies! It also appeared that you had some great conversations with your child as you reminisced. They loved telling me all about it! 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Monday!

Today was the 80th day of school! We recognized it by playing Count and Sit. Ask your child about this very popular math game!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Did you know....

...we have 150 fingers in our class! This week we have been counting by 10's!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year!!

It was so exciting to see the kids after a two week break! We spent a lot of time sharing our vacation adventures!  The kids did such great writing I had to post them up on our "brag board" in our classroom!