Monday, September 26, 2016

Busy Week!

     We had a wonderfully busy week last week.  My busyness carried over into my weekend and therefore I ran out of time to send out a blog! I just wanted to catch you up on the latest activities we are doing in room 60!
     Last week we started our writing workshop.  This is a time when I read a specific book or poem with a theme that gives the kids ideas for writing.  I read a few poems last week with the theme of "Things I can do." We brainstormed all kinds of ideas, I modeled my own writing and then I sent them on their way to write!  At this point, I am encouraging the kids to start with a picture and label what they draw.  Some kids are ready to write whole words and others are putting initial letters next to their pictures.  Either way I am SO proud of their effort and growing confidence!
     Friday was extra exciting as we got to go on a special tour of the kitchen.  The kids were so interested in the "behind the scenes" of our school kitchen.  Mrs. Blanchard did such a great job with the tour.  I think the highlights were the freezer and special treats the kids received at the end of the tour!
     We also got to see our 2nd grade reading buddies on Friday afternoon.  It is such a great way to end the week.  I love how excited Ms. West's 2nd graders are when we arrive.  Last week the kids got to listen and read books from the 2nd grader's laptops.
     Enjoy the pictures!

Friday fun with Ms. West's 2nd grade class! 
Our exciting tour of the kitchen! 😊
It was freezing in the freezer! ❄️
Painting fall leaves 🍁
We worked on buddy reading last week. Ask your child about how we buddy read with partners. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Farewell to Summer!

It was a beautiful day to say goodbye to summer! I may have shed a tear or two but I also look forward to all the fun activities that fall brings! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday!!

I am so excited about the progress these kiddies are making! We have been writing everyday. Today I asked the kids to draw an animal and label the picture. I am encouraging them to listen to the sounds they hear in the words. They are also learning to take risks in writing  I am always reminding them that it does not need to be perfect, I am just thrilled that they tried!

Ask your child about our "number walk" that we took today!
Mr. Porter was very impressed with our findings! 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Enjoy the pictures below of the first 8 days of school!! ☺️

We were so lucky to watch our beautiful butterfly take off!
"Stretchy" the butterfly!
Playground pals getting a little messy at recess!! 
Exploration of the pattern blocks. 
Miss Bindergarten!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

What a Bunch!!

It has been a fantastic start to school! I am so happy with how well these kids have made the big transition to kindergarten! I feel lucky to have such an amazing group of kids! Thank you for your support in helping your child make this a positive start! ❤️