Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It's been a while....

     It's hard to believe so much time has passed since my last blog! The busyness of the holidays always gets the best of me! I have included some pictures of our visit to the fire station as well as some crafting fun with Mrs. Hauke. 
     January has proven to be a great learning month in our class. We had a fantastic conversation about diversity prior to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  You will notice the pictures of eggs and yolk. Please take the time to ask your child about this. 

Our visit to the fire station! 🚒

Firefighter Dale demonstrating the many layers of her gear!

Cutest class around! ❤️

Crafting with Mrs. Hauke!

The final product!

Ask your child what this is all about! ☺️

This just needed to be shared! Great friends!