Thursday, February 16, 2017

❤️ Valentine's Day Fun! ❤️

Valentine's Day is so special in kindergarten. Watching the excitement and hearing the gratitude from each child is just awesome! From the craziness of delivering each card to helping the kids read what the cards really is one of my favorite days with them!

Delivering the cards!

We were lucky to have some 5th graders help make Valentine's cards and read stories. 

Finally time to open the cards!! 🎉🎉

Friday, February 10, 2017

100 Days Together!

We had a fun day celebrating our 100th day of school! Enjoy the pictures!

The kids were getting creative with the number 100. We brainstormed silly pictures we could make with the numbers. 

Carmella made a picture of Bradley! The numbers were his glasses! I love it! ❤️